Nature: A Model for Interpenetrative Dissolution
The Books of Magra looks to humanities relationship with Nature as a fundamental issue and concern, one which requires ongoing development. This attention given to Nature is as a means to assist in dissolving the gaps human beings compel and assert between humanity and Nature. Like all other concepts and approaches in The Books of Magra, this relationship between Nature and humanity is an evolving focus, one in which the understanding and the intent comprise Relational Beliefs, Messiness, and an admonition of Mystery.
Relational Beliefs are those attitudes human beings exhibit as characterizing separateness from Nature. Existential anxieties, the seeming distance and apathy that Nature exudes towards us largely inform this perspective. The Books of Magra attempts to offer a perspective which is Participatory and that we are “Of” Nature. That the distance we discern between us and Nature is part of a process that is best understood experientially.
Messiness is a cloudy term for the difficulties in reconciling the perceived polarization of what humanity often refers to as Order and Chaos, and the perplexity at how they appear to inhabit one another. Human beings have a propensity and passion for patterns, we observe and interpret the shape and rhythm of life as rich with order, cycles, causes and effects. And yet, there are continual inconsistencies and paradoxes that arise. As we as a species accumulate observations and build models for the purposes of survival, understanding and engaging with Nature and ourselves, individually and collectively, there is Messiness that reveals itself. In the Books of Magra, delving into these murky and uncertain areas are where we may find understanding and new possibilities.
Mystery refers to experiential ineffability. It is this view of Nature, or phenomena, as mysterious and inconceivable that presents particular challenges for human beings. They are left wondering beyond their capacity to grasp, examine and formulate understanding, meaning, and to implement in any sense or sensation to what is amorphously presenting itself. A problem or puzzle can only be characterized as such if the belief that it may be solved is present. If an individual or people do not believe that there is a problem worth solving then there is no problem, no issue, and so no conceivable action. In the Books of Magra, Mystery is not something to be solved but a naked awareness that we may acknowledge and experientially reflect upon - a cloudy knowing that we may inhabit as it inhabits us.
The Books of Magra recognizes and explores humanities constructs of Nature as being formed by Relational Beliefs, Messiness and Mystery, all of which are evolving experiential processes that characterize our understanding of Being, and our participation with All.