The Books of Magra: Mem

The third book, "The Books of Magra: Mem," focuses on an unusual and mysterious sickness called Mem. Crossing boundaries of space and time, two individuals equally afflicted, find their experiences intersecting and influencing one another.
The first narrative, a lone martial artist seeking greater knowledge and skill, becomes afflicted with a peculiar illness. Choosing to face his illness' emotional and metaphysical implications, he relinquishes the rigour of his martial arts training for the unknown guidance of what his illness his is revealing to him.
The second narrative is in a far distant future where a master and his disciples attempt to resolve the presence and influence of Mem, a peculiar illness, by unconventional means outside of their monastic communities doctrine.
It is a gripping and intricate journey that incorporates martial arts and mysticism with science and engineering, and delves into questions of reality, human evolution and love.